100 Children Are Stuck And Waiting

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One hundred. 100 children have been waiting for a sponsor for over 1 year. 100 boys and girls have been waiting to start school and have been living without access to medical care when they fall sick. 100 children are in desperate need of Hope, Education, Love, and Purpose. The good news is that you can HELP.

When you choose to help a child in need by sponsoring through Agape International Children’s Ministry, you’re deciding to step in and change the life of a precious boy or girl. Each sponsorship is a gift of Hope, Education, Love, and Purpose.

Sponsorship means HOPE for a child. Hope that one day the cycle of poverty will be broken. Hope that the next time they fall sick they can get the medical care they need. Hope that going to bed with an empty stomach or begging for food will no longer be their reality. Sponsorship inspires hope that their tomorrows will be brighter than their yesterdays.

Sponsorship means a child will receive an EDUCATION. Education to unlock a whole world of possibilities for a child born into a life punctuated by need and helplessness. Education to greatly combat poverty and hopelessness in Uganda. Through sponsorship, life-changing education becomes accessible.

Sponsorship means a child will experience LOVE. Love that comes through a sponsor’s inspiring generosity, and love that comes from our staff serving faithfully in Uganda. Wellness checks, home visits, discipleship, and center days filled with meaningful, exciting activities are all ways in which our staff tangibly show love to our sponsored children. But most importantly, sponsored children get to know the love of Jesus, the first step in their journey to a new life. We boldly share about the love of Jesus in every project at AICM, knowing that the greatest need we could ever meet is humanity's need for Jesus Christ.  

Sponsorship means a child will grow in their PURPOSE. Purpose in knowing who they are in Christ. Purpose in knowing that through His sacrifice they are cherished, valued, and worthy. Purpose in the realization of how wonderfully they have been loved and created. Rewriting the story of hopelessness woven throughout these children’s lives by poverty, abandonment, and disease, we help write the story of God’s never-ending love, potential, purpose, and hope He has for them. We dream of seeing multiple generations rising up to change their communities and villages in Jesus’ name: a multitude of men, women, and children living and ministering in the abundant life given to them by Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Will you step in and HELP a child in need today?

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