Core Values


We promise to work with integrity and with the highest moral compass as we serve the people of Uganda.  We promise to model our actions and behavior, both seen and unseen after the example of Jesus.


We promise to be accountable with our time, finances, resources and staff to the board of directors and other trusted colleagues and peers.



We promise to work with excellence as the goal in every area of the organization.  We will work to bring Glory and Honor to Jesus Christ in everything we do.


We believe that treating others with dignity echoes Jesus' heart for His people.  We promise to offer programming and ministries that add dignity to the lives of others.



We promise to use our time and resources efficiently in order to have the greatest impact possible. We will protect against wasting resources, including our time by practicing efficiency but never compromising the quality of our ministries.


We promise to strive for biblical unity in every department and every ministry at AICM.  Not only will we work to see this unity internally but desire to see unity in our individual projects and in the communities we minister to.



We promise to live, work and minister as a family of faith to the families of Uganda.  We promise to be a spiritual family for those without an earthly one.