Because of HIS love


Endless flights, interfering exhaustion, and infinite red dirt that leaves bold marks across everything it touches. 

But also perspective. 



Going to Uganda leaves bold marks across every heart it touches. 

Our team will be touched permanently; just a few people pouring out their hearts in a three week mission. 

And Uganda? Uganda will also be changed for the rest of time. 

Within three weeks, the team will be implementing a number of events, each one an invitation to experience the results of Christ’s love. The theme is “Because of His love,” and this message will be told to adults, children, pastors, and orphans. 

A women’s conference,

 a couple’s retreat,

 a pastor’s conference,

an ACCS project day,

 a youth conference, 

and a center day.

EACH of these takes an enormous amount of preparation, effort, and energy. And each of these individually will awaken the enemy in light of the eternal implications being wrought as a result. The spiritual battle is overwhelming, but the spiritual growth in the lives of each person attending each event is worth the fight. 

And you? We need you. We need you to pray, because our team cannot do this without Christ. We cannot wade through the days ahead without the Lord parting the sea so that the walk can take place on dry ground; ground He has prepared in advance.

In addition, God has gifted YOU with something to glorify His Name. We challenge you to take the same amount of time our team is on this mission to pursue a mission of your own. We challenge you to look deeper at God’s love.

 To breathe in His abounding grace. 

To experience His presence.

 And finally, to ask Him the question: what is my part?

 Locally, spiritually, globally, practically? 

In His great love, He has blessed us with ways to bring that love to rest of the world. 

I pray that you are encouraged to approach the Most High with expectation of His great love and anticipation of how He desires to use you.


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