5 Ways You Can Change The Life of Someone In Uganda Without Ever Leaving The Country

The Bible is clear in its mandate for Christians to care for orphans and widows (James 1:27, Isaiah 1:17, Exodus 22:22, Matthew 22:36-40).  Most of us would readily agree that caring for orphans and those in need is an important mark of someone who follows Jesus.  The tension for us lies in the question, how do I care for orphans and widows? Do I have to fly across the world to a remote location?  Do I have to quit my job and become a full-time missionary?

The answer is no.  There is plenty that you can do to without ever leaving the country.  Here are five ways you can help right now!

1. Be an advocate

Raising awareness is one of the most powerful things we can do when it comes to caring for those in need.  Your friends, family, and colleagues may not even be aware of how great the need is or how they can help.  Now, more than ever, you have a voice and a platform to help raise awareness.  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and blogs are great ways to let your voice be heard.  We invite you to share or comment on our Facebook or Instagram posts.  We strive to give you the tools you need to help raise awareness for those in need in Uganda.

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2. Volunteer

Simply put, we could never do the ministry God has called us to do without men and women who sacrificially give their time as volunteers.  From our board members to the people who volunteer at a sponsorship table, every single person is a vital part of the ministry.  If you’re interesting in finding an area to volunteer in please email us at info@aicmuganda.com

3. Talk to those you know

Does your church, home group, pastor, workout group, or your Saturday morning coffee crew know about AICM?  Sharing our story and what we do opens up new doors and starts new relationships that help us serve more people in need. 

4. Partner with us 

Did you know that you could directly impact the life of an orphan or family in need and never have to leave the country?  Sponsorship is one of the most powerful tools in changing the life of a child.  For $40 a month you can provide education, medical care, mentorship and support to a child and family in great need.  You could also become a monthly financial pattern with AICM.  Everything given to AICM is tax-deductible and goes towards accomplishing our mission to evangelize, education, empower, and equip Ugandas most vulnerable children.

5. Pray with us

We would be nowhere and could do nothing without prayer.  Prayer is the sustaining power in everything we do.  Would you please pray along with us.  We send out a newsletter often with different prayer requests.  You can signup to receive that newsletter here

Aaron Cronen1 Comment